Wales Revamps Digital Inclusion Efforts

Mar 20, 2015

The Welsh government has announced a new £2m digital programme across the country to build on the work of the previous project which expires at the end of the month.

Communities 2.0 has already helped over 60,000 people get online but 21% of adults in Wales are still digitally excluded.

Communities 2.0 will be replaced by Digital Communities Wales which will build on the success of its predecessor by maintaining partnerships and co-ordinating digital inclusion activities in Welsh communities.

The new project will run for an initial period of two years with the possibility of a two year extension and it is required to do following:

  • work with organisations to help support 15,000 digital excluded people engage with technology each year
  • provide training and support to 400 organisations across the private, public and third sectors every year on how to engage people with technologies
  • encourage and support organisations to recruit and utilise 500 volunteers to help support people to get online, working closely with volunteer centres and other volunteering networks  
  • assist 500 people each year to overcome their ICT barriers and enhance their employability.

Co-Operative Centre Takes Responsibility

The Wales Co-Operative Centre will be responsible for delivering Digital Communities Wales – the centre was established to help co-ops, social enterprise, community groups and voluntary organisations.

“The new programme will build on the success of Communities 2.0 and help more people to benefit from using the Internet,” claimed Welsh Communities and Tackling Poverty Minister Lesley Griffiths.

“It is vital we continue digital inclusion activities so everyone has the opportunity to improve their lives through the use of technology – whether it’s buying goods and services more easily and for lower prices, accessing public services or increased employment opportunities,” Griffiths added.


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