The government has committed to a range of pilot projects in all corners of the country that will help to bring broadband to hard to reach areas.
The company will source 100 megawatts of wind-powered energy from three sites across the country that will supply much of its output in Scotland and Wales.
The Welsh Government awards BT a multi-million pound seven-year contract to operate a new Principality-wide public sector broadband network.
Cardiff University and the Welsh government have developed a 'National Software Academy' in a bid to tackle the shortage of IT skills in Wales.
Cardiff and Vale University Health Board has written its ten millionth case note on its Paris electronic patient record (EPR) system provided by specialist systems supplier Civica.
RCT Homes, Wales’ largest social housing landlord, has transformed its rent collection process with the help of payment solutions provider allpay.
Denbighshire County Council has teamed up with specialist systems and business process services provider Civica to drive £200,000 of savings each year.
A new English ICT curriculum beginning in September may see schoolchildren in Wales disadvantaged against those in England, according to education experts.
Plaid Cymru fears the service continues to rely too heavily on 15-year-old Windows XP software which Microsoft stopped supporting over a year ago.
The .cymru and .wales generic top-level domains will go live come September, in a phased rollout which will see businesses get first dibs.
The rollout includes 100 telephone exchanges and may signal progress in the aim of connecting 96% of premises to 24Mbps-speed Internet by 2016.
Telecoms giant Vodafone is set to strengthen mobile phone services across Wales by bringing 3G and 4G mobile coverage to more than 94% of the population.
An extra 42,000 properties in Wales are to benefit from superfast broadband over the next two years.
Wales has much work to do if it is to catch up to the rest of the UK in its provision of superfast broadband, says the Welsh government.
Welsh Deputy Health Minister Vaughan Gething has announced a £6.2m investment to upgrade IT services at Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board.
Health and Social Services Minister for Wales Mark Drakeford has announced a £6.7m investment in IT systems designed to further integrate health and social care in the country.
The Welsh government has outlined its vision for public services in Wales to provide consistent and excellent services digitally.
The Welsh government has announced a new £2m digital programme across the country to build on the work of the previous project which expires at the end of the month.
Following in Scotland’s footsteps, Wales has launched its own web domains, with businesses and individuals now able to adopt the .cymru and .wales Internet addresses.
Cardiff wants to be slicker at working with the Principality's business community, according to its just-published tender for a new cloud-based admin project.