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“Smart Vision” Is Needed In CIOs, Says Socitm
CIOs and ICT heads must develop a “smart vision” for their cities, region or other local area, claims public ICT representative body Socitm.
Councils Receiving Half Of Website Visits From Mobiles
Most councils in the UK are now receiving up to half of visits to their websites from mobile devices, says Socitm, the representative body for those in public sector IT.
ForeScout Becomes Socitm Supplier Partner
Continuous monitoring and mitigation solutions supplier ForeScout has been selected as a Silver Supplier Partner of the Society of Information Technology Management (Socitm).
Is Local Government ICT Built On 'Shifting Sands'?
Raft of pressures on local authorities has increased diversity of ICT-enabled service transformation approaches, says latest Socitm report.
Local Authorities Not Embracing Digital To Combat Austerity
Many local authorities have yet to fully embrace digital, even though such approaches are often the most plausible response to austerity and budget cuts.
Local Digital Dashboards Phase Two Begins
Phase two of the GOV.UK local performance platform was launched last week with the addition of three new digital transactions to the dashboard.
Local Government: Pushing Ahead With Cloud Despite Security Bogie?
New data from Socitm says that cloud computing in use or being piloted in the 'vast majority of local public services,' despite reservations
Lock-In Business Models Outdated, Says Socitm
The current public sector processes for legalities, contracts and procurements are no longer fit for purposes says Socitm, the representative body for people in public sector IT.
Organisations Hit Back At G-Cloud Report
A number of organisations have criticised reports published earlier this week that drew the conclusion that local government “ignores G-Cloud” and “wastes millions” in doing so.
Socitm Advocates DSDM For Public Sector
ICT managers in the public sector should consider adopting the Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM), claims ICT representative body Socitm.
Socitm Agrees Research Partnership With Boilerhouse
Socitm, the association for IT and digital professionals, has partnered up with consultancy Boilerhouse to further develop its promotion of its research surrounding digital local services.
Socitm and GDS Collaborate To Deliver “Digital Dashboards”
The Government Digital Service (GDS) and Socitm, the professional body representing people involved in public IT services, will be collaborating to deliver “local digital dashboards.”
Socitm Boosting Member Benefits With Knowledge Hub
Socitm, the society for IT and digital leaders and professionals working in local public services, has begun to improve the benefits it offers to its members.
Socitm Examines Local Government Digital Activity
Socitm, the representative body for people in public sector IT, has issued guidance it says can help leaders in the sector better tackle inconsistency, waste and duplicated efforts in digital government.
Socitm Feels Positively Towards Labour Digital Government Review
Socitm, the representative body for people in public sector IT, has welcomed the Labour Party’s recent Digital Government Review Publication.
Socitm Launches Women In IT Digital Initiative
Socitm, the association for IT and digital professionals working in local public services, is set to launch an initiative that aims to support women and promote their advancement in the sector.
Socitm Probes Council Mobile Response To, Er, Pressing Bin Issues
‘Find out opening times for council tip’ and ‘report a missed bin’ – both via a mobile device – are  the latest tasks to be tested and reported by the 'Better Connected' Socitm project evaluating the web and digital performance of all UK local authorities.
Socitm Proposes “Local Government Digital Service”
Socitm, the representative body for people in public sector IT, has proposed a “Local Government Digital Service” as an alternative to a LOCALGOV.UK site.
Socitm Publishes Digital Health And Social Care Advice
Socitm, the representative body for people in public sector IT, has published a new guide to information and technology challenges and opportunities arising due to changing health and social care.
Socitm Says No To Local GOV.UK Site
Socitm, the representative body for people working in public sector IT, has rejected the idea of a single online platform for local government similar to GOV.UK.

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