Yes, purchase means outright transfer to a new Registrant. By becoming the Registrant of a .uk domain name you enter into a contract with Nominet
Terms of Domain Name Registration
Subject to the terms of this agreement you will have exclusive use of the domain, indefinitely.
Firstly you need to make payment using a credit/debit card, or direct to our bank account. Upon receipt of funds we will transfer the domain(s) to the new Registrant, using details from the sales Invoice, unless you request otherwise.
We aim to process transfers the next working day after payment. In practice most transfers are completed within a couple of hours. We will let you know if there is likely to be a delay.
Yes, we will release your domain(s) to another Registrar (ISP) free of charge. To do this you need to send us a request including the Tag name of the new Registrar (which they will provide).
Renewal is due on an anniversary of the domain Registration date. The cost of renewal varies, Shores charge £20 (for 2 years), Nominet charge £80 +VAT. Domains can be renewed for any period from 1-10 years. There are no other payments to make as a Registrant, but separate charges will be payable for website hosting and email services.
Send us an email request, we will apply the update and send confirmation. The request must include your admin email address for ID purposes.
This will happen if you interrupt the purchase process or click the 'add to basket' button twice for the same domain. To clear the error, delete all items in the basket and start again.
If your card payment is declined then either the details that you have entered are incorrect or your card issuer has refused the purchase. You will need to contact your Bank or Credit Card company to resolve the problem, then you can go back to our website and complete the purchase.
It is essential that Registrants maintain up to date contact details with Nominet, otherwise they risk losing their domain(s) because they do not receive renewal notices. All Registrants have an online account with Nominet, where they can update contact details. You can login to your account here,
Online Service Login
We only provide DNS management with hosting services, but we can usually setup URL forwarding free of charge.
On completion of the transfer your domain is ready to use. You will need to choose a hosting company and move the domain to their system. Some technical knowledge is required for this but it is a fairly simple procedure. Your hosting company will most likely provide a control panel where you can manage the settings for your domain(s) and change contact details.
Yes, but this is a manual service and restricted to .uk domains. Further details are available upon request.
As part of the purchase process using our website each new customer creates a secure online account with UK plc. You can return at a later date and login to view or print invoices, or make further purchases. You can login to your account here,
Account Login (UK plc)
Customers who opt to pay via direct banking (BACS/CHAPS) will need to contact us by email to request copy invoices.
We aim to provide a quality service to our customers at all times, but occasionally things go wrong. When this happens we will do our best to resolve matters as soon as possible.
If you need to raise an issue, or a complaint, or give us some feedback then please contact us at , or write to us at the address below. We will acknowledge all correspondence by the next working day and provide a full response within 5 working days.
Shores Ltd.
49 Station Rd
East Sussex
BN26 6EA
Any query or claim regarding Intellectual Property Rights should be sent to us by letter and email with full details