Research and analysis firm TechMarketView’s UK Healthcare SITS Supplier Landscape 2014-15 report has revealed the top three companies in the industry have remained the same.
Around 1800 rent payments wroth £385,000 to Barnet Homes, a housing association owned by the Borough Council, have failed after a banking error.
Capita is now the biggest supplier of IT services and software to the UK public sector, according to analyst house TechMarketView.
IT services provider Capita has announced it will be offering Microsoft productivity applications to the public sector via G-Cloud 5.
The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) says it has chosen a group of suppliers to deliver a new command and control system in a £90m contract.
A Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee (PAC) review of the Army 2020 plan has seen the Ministry of Defence (MoD) come under fire for lost savings opportunities.
The Ministry of Defence (MOD) has selected business outsourcing solutions provider Capita to deliver the transformation of the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO).
The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) has awarded four new suppliers with a contract to provide it with satellite tagging technology to track offenders in the community.
The Student Loans Company (SLC) has announced a partnership with Noida headquartered technology company HCL to provide customers with a digital, automated, secure and streamlined customer experience.
Wycombe District Council has chosen a provider for its fully integrated IT infrastructure and the transformation and upkeep of its customer services.