Over the past 10 years cloudBuy has been developing marketplaces for Government and the private sector with over 5,000 companies doing business and over 1 million users – one of the biggest cloud based solutions worldwide.
In recent years the cloudBuy Care Marketplace has been developed specifically for the facilitation of advice, support and care to help people live independently.
The cloudBuy Care Marketplace allows end users to access information and ultimately purchase care products and services the comfort of their own home with piece of mind that their details are kept safe, delivering true personalisation to the individual. This enables Local Authorities, Health departments and other organisations to come together in one place to offer an environment that safeguards the individual and cuts costs whilst enchanting co-ordination and convenience.
No other Care Marketplace can offer the level of flexibility and security that we offer. Unlike all other solutions there is no need to open a Paypal account. Our solution can take payment from any card or bank account and offers full chargeback and Section 75 payment protection. We are PCI DSS compliance and N3 accredited. Individuals, Providers and Statutory Services can be assured that they benefit from top level security standards and all legal protections.
Our NHS N3 Accreditation outs us in the unique position of being able to merge all records into one document including doctors notes, care plans and budgetary information for ease of information sharing across multi agency situations.
cloudBuy has an on-site Coldicot Guardian ensuring that patient records and data are stored securely.
The full solution comes complete with a RAS system pre-loaded onto 5 Ipads – enabling mobilisation of assessors.