Suppliers who are adopted onto the Care Marketplace can get a standardised PCI DSS compliant eCommerce website. It will be hosted on cloudBuy servers to give them full eCommerce functionality, enabling them to process transactions and take payments by card or other means. Suppliers of care services get an uplift of all level 3/4 merchants to level 1 by becoming an cloudBuy Care provider if security criteria is met. Suppliers can maintain one catalogue, with custom views for different sets of products/services and prices for individual customers or groups.
Suppliers can also choose to set up a merchant account with any bank of their choice (or use one of our recommended suppliers) and the standardised websites have been pre-integrated to all UK merchant accounts. The use of the corporate debit card is particularly attractive as they are in funds very quickly and at a low cost. For individuals and very small SME's there is a facility to set up a merchant account within the marketplace which is then used to disburse the funds via BACS.
As with Amazon and many other popular eCommerce sites, there is the ability for the individual or a related person to add a companion card to purchase additional goods and services and to top up budgets. The embedded authority card would be the primary payment method, followed by a drop down of cards that could be used in conjunction with it.