Corporate and Social Responsibility cover a very wide range from good labour practices, through environmental and sustainability across to business ethics.

e.g.  The G3 reporting standard covers the following areas:-

  • Economic Performance Indicators
    •     Economic Performance
    •     Market Presence
    •     Indirect Economic Impacts
  • Environmental Performance Indicators
    •     Materials
    •     Energy
    •     Water
    •     Biodiversity
    •     Emissions Effluents and Waste
    •     Products and Services
    •     Compliance
    •     Transport
    •     Overall
  • Labor Practices and Decent Work Performance Indicators
    •     Employment
    •     Labour Management Relations
    •     Occupational Health and Safety
    •     Training and Education
    •     Diversity and Equal Opportunity
  • Human Rights Performance Indicators
    •     Investment and Procurement Practices
    •     Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
    •     Child Labour
    •     Forced and Compolsory Labour
    •     Security Practices
    •     Indigenous Rights
  • Society Performance Indicators
    •     Community
    •     Corruption
    •     Public Policy
    •     Compliance
  • Product Responsibility Performance Indicators
    •     Customer Health and Safety
    •     Product and Service Labeling
    •     Marketing Communications
    •     Customer Privacy
    •     Compliance

cloudBuy GreenInsight which builds up the overall picture of an organisations environmental impact from individual purchases.

Want to know more? - Get in touch with us!

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phone-icon+44 (0)118 324 9580 email-iconinfo@co2analysis.com