G-Cloud Supporters Urged to Speak Up By GDS COO

Feb 14, 2014

Government Digital Service (GDS) COO Tony Singleton has urged those who support G-Cloud to promote the success of the procurement framework.

In a blog post today, Singleton – who is also director of the service - quoted research by Six Degrees Group that found only around 10% of UK councils have ever used G-Cloud to make a purchase.

He claimed that awareness of the system needs to be increased in the wider public sector, proposing methods such as speeches at events with appropriate target audiences.

However, the COO believes the best way to grow awareness is for those who have successfully used G-Cloud to promote their positive experiences with it.

“One of the most effective ways of spreading the word about G-Cloud is not by us talking about it, but for others to hear from their peers who have successfully used G-Cloud. There are many positive stories to tell, and we will be publishing some of the experiences of buyers across the public sector in coming months,” he said.

Currently, the government is making many changes to its approach towards IT, including a rebrand of G-Cloud, renaming it the Government Digital Marketplace.

“This new digital marketplace will be built entirely around user needs and will meet the Digital by Default Service Standard,” claimed Singleton.

He also noted that changes are being made to the buyers guide to establish more clarity, talks are being held with both suppliers and buyers for their suggestions for improvements and the attempts to continually build the catalogue. 

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