The BBC has dumped Vodafone in favour of the more “flexible and efficient” BT for the delivery of its broadcast network over the next 7 years, supplying its entire video, audio, data, telephone and broadband services and linking all of its UK sites and radio stations.
BT is to start legal proceedings against NHS Scotland after losing its bid to re-run the tender process for the £110m Scottish Wide Area Network (SWAN) contract.
E-commerce and e-procurement company cloudBuy has announced it won a tender to supply Staffordshire County Council with a care marketplace.
“I am afraid we must be in the area of looking to terminate the contract; if this was a full private sector deal, the contract most likely have already been torn-up”
In a £14.5m deal, UK healthcare, business management and learning software provider Advanced Computer Software Group has bought Compass Computer Consultants, an education systems designer.
The UK government has scrapped an IT programme that was set to be worth up to £37m without offering an explanation.
The government is searching for IT providers able to supply emergency services and communications framework and equipment, set to be worth between £550m and £1.2bn.
Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity (GOSHCC) has revealed it is searching for a CRM software supplier via a public tender.
The London Royal Borough of Greenwich is looking for multiple suppliers to deliver a complete technology overhaul that is valued at between £50m to £70m.
Technology solutions provider InTechnology has secured a seven-figure deal via G-Cloud to update and improve the Health and Social Care Information Centre’s (HSCIC) IT infrastructure.
A 13-year partnership between Liverpool City Council (LCC) and BT is set to end after the telecoms company decided it couldn’t issue a further price reduction to meet the authority’s need for savings.
The Legal Aid Agency, a public body providing civil and criminal legal advice in England and Wales, has chosen a supplier to deliver its Civil Legal Advice (CLA) Operator Service.
The current public sector processes for legalities, contracts and procurements are no longer fit for purposes says Socitm, the representative body for people in public sector IT.
The Met Office has announced it is searching for a few resellers with the ability to supply it with the next generation of weather-forecasting technology.
The Ministry of Defence (MOD) has selected business outsourcing solutions provider Capita to deliver the transformation of the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO).
The NHS has selected French IT services firm Atos to handle the extraction of data from GP surgeries in England as part of the controversial scheme.
Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust has awarded NHS Shared Business Services (NHS SBS) a five-year, £3.1m contract to provide finance and accounting services.
The Post Office is on the hunt for a company to refresh its front office applications in a contract that could be worth up to £530m.
Metro, the firm responsible for the co-ordination of public transport across West Yorkshire, has announced it is searching for a partner to provide a staffed and supported data centre solution.
Gloucestershire County Council has awarded selected solutions provider Steria a contract to provide ICT services with the aim of cutting costs.