Our Agreements

Linked Magazine

Our quarterly magazine is now published in spring, summer, autumn and winter, covering current news, events, training, agreements, EU regulations, supplier updates and other items for our members. We aim to reach not only purchasing personnel, but also end users of our products and services.

Our latest Spring 2017 issue includes news and features on:

- LUPC's Responsible Procurement Advisory Group

- Institutional perceptions of travel-related risk

- Managing the global mobility of staff

- The role of big data in Estates...and more!



How to Subscribe

If you are a member or an approved supplier and would like to receive a copy by post, please contact Laura Compton .


How to Advertise

To supplement the cost of producing this publication, consortium approved suppliers may buy advertising space in each issue. For further details, visit LUPC's advertising page or contact Laura Compton .


Previous issues




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